Friday, February 10, 2017

Next week Chinese President Xi Jinping will be arriving in Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum. He is also expected to meet with the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) and the World Health Organization (WHO). He will be the first Chinese leader to meet with the UN.  The UN Director General Michael Moller said he is looking forward to increased cooperation with China on global challenges. He said social inequalities, climate change are some of the issues facing the world today, stating that the international community needs to show solidarity and work collectively to find solutions.
The Chinese government said Xi's attending would emphasize Beijing's support for multilateralism, which is a core concept of the founding ideal for the BRIC bloc. Global cooperation and free trade.

1 comment:

  1. Climate change has been a huge issue for many third world countries. The reason is that the countries are so desperate to produce and create the products and power necessary to create these items that the environmental aspects fall by the wayside. China was mentioned in one of my classes several years ago, the class was about natural disasters. China has become one of its own natural disaster zones and created one of the most toxic areas around the glob. If China joins into the UN, maybe they will be able to start doing the cleanup necessary to help themselves.
