Sunday, April 23, 2017

China plans skills training

China will work with the other BRICS countries to put in place an action plan for skills-training to increase productivity and reduce poverty.  China plans to get rid of poverty and build a moderately prosperous society by 2020. Skills training are one of the approaches for meeting the challenging target. BRICS countries represent 43 per cent of the world’s population.  Being that I was once an Electrician I think this is a good idea to have a program that will build on apprenticeships and skills.


  1. I think that is great that they are planning for skills training that will increase productivity and reduce poverty. As we all know Poverty in china was not the best, but according to some records that I have found over 500 million people have been lifted out of extreme poverty. Also the percentage fell from 88 percent to nearly 8 percent in 2012. This is a massive change that has greatly improved China. I think that would be great if they were able to build a moderately prosperous by the year 2020. I will have to stay up to date with this and see what the future has to hold.

    Great post!

  2. It is great to hear China and other BRICS countries want to start skills-training. China has such a massive population though, so it will be a challenge to get rid of poverty by 2020. I also agree that it would be awesome for people, no matter what age, to learn new skills.

    1. Also here is an article discussing poverty in China -

  3. It is great that China is working with the other BRICS countries to help them with their skills training. This demonstrates their presence as a contributing member of BRICS. This will likely help other countries better their economies. By doing this, China is helping the countries with almost half of the world's workforce to develop more skills. This could benefit China in the long run by having the ability to trade more products with the other members of BRICS. - Lorreen McCabe

  4. I think it is great that china wants to help lift people out of poverty. Having well trained and skilled people has the chance to really help improve peoples lives. Even if they do not make a lot more money having a community of skilled individuals can help improve the living conditions and comforts of everyone just through what they know how to do.
