Thursday, April 13, 2017

BRICS still cooperating with Syria

BRICS countries have condemned the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons last week, but they  have stated that they will still continue to do business with Syria. To me this seems like a hollow condemnation of Syria using chemical weapons because they will continue to do business with them. If BRICS were really serious they would stop doing business with them. I think the biggest factor in this all is the fact that the Russian government has supported the Syrian government since the beginning of it's civil war. I think the rest of the BRICS countries don't want to go against the Russians. I know this topic doesn't have a lot to do with international business, but I thought it was important information to bring to everyone's attention.


  1. The issue with Syria is not going to be solved by putting a few bombs in the right places. Hell the "airfield" that was destroyed was back and useable in either 48 or 72 hours. It needs to be a change of leadership. This type of change is not easy or cheap.

  2. though Russia is a huge part of BRICS there are some other large players involved. Look at China, India, and Brazil. These countries are going to be key factors in decisions being made as they still deal with the US and other world powers. the decision to continue to do business with Syria should have terms in their contracts that state that they will cease doing business depending on how they handle the conflict in their country. the terms of the agreement would allow the countries to have a legal exit strategy that could withdraw their business if Syria violates the terms of the agreement. Syria is a tough subject matter for me as I have a round about way of a vested interest in how they conduct themselves and how the rest of the world responds to their actions. If we go to War with this country, who is backing them, who is backing us, and what course of action are we prepared to go through with in the event that we do go to war with them. The use of chemical weapons, in my eyes, means that its game on. At all costs we need to neutralize this country in a way that they cannot and will not ever go this route again and if that means bombing them back to the stone age then so be it. its always important to remember though that for every action their is an equal or greater reaction and dealing with this situation is going to require some pretty substantial support from around the world. we have the capabilities but we better be ready to handle the repercussions of our actions.

  3. Thoughtful commentary, Dustin. In 2015, Jennifer Erickson published a book called Dangerous Trade: Arms Exports, Human Rights, and International Reputation . You might like it.
