Monday, May 1, 2017

India's growing economy

India is on track to become the world’s fourth largest economy in 2022 according to the IMF.  The IMF report appears to back a World Bank report.  The World Bank report classified India’s economy as still robust and forecast that GDP growth would bounce back in coming years to regain its momentum, with growth rising to 7.6 per cent in 2018 and strengthening to 7.8 per cent in 2019.



  1. I was interested in what the top industries in India are, and I found this site -
    It has a lot of information on just about every industry and how India ranks currently and what is projected. For example, one page predicts that India will overtake Japan in Oil consumption. There is almost too much information on the IBEF site...

    - Kevin Rindfleisch

  2. I did a search for the top industries in India on this website, I found it interesting that the first one that came up was the textile industry. this provides only 4% of the GDP but accounts for 35% of the gross export income while providing over 35 million jobs for the country. this is a huge impact on their economy. something that only contributes that low of a percent to the GDP has major impacts on the entire country was interesting to see.
    Dustin Weinert
